Data Analytics and Insights

Digital Marketing Campaign

Leverage the POWER of data

Most companies – especially small businesses- understand the value of data but often lack the resources, time or skillset to turn their data into actionable insights.  

That’s where FireRock Marketing can step in. We leverage the power of data and analytics to drive decision making and optimize marketing programs. We derive insights that improve digital communications and marketing programs. We leverage data to improve the understanding of your customers and develop smarter, more personalized digital experiences.

Our team uses data to take the guesswork out of critical business and marketing decisions. Our experienced strategists work with our clients to arrive at insights from the data that inform strategic business decisions and deliver higher ROI from your website and marketing programs.

Our Approach

1. Recognize different types of data

Integrating analytics into business systems can be a challenge, so it’s important to understand what you are dealing with. Our team looks at your data through the following prism:

Descriptive: what the problem is
Diagnostic: why the problem has happened
Predictive: what will happen
Prescriptive: identifying the best course of action

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2. Measure what matters

Unless you identify the business problem you are trying to solve, you won’t measure what’s relevant. With measurement comes optimization. Don’t get lost in the data that could be considered “vanity metrics” – look instead for real-time, high fidelity data.

3. Put data into context

The more you understand the context of your data, the better you interpret it, and the more strategic the subsequent decisions will be. You can establish context by asking what data means, establishing its level of importance, and understanding its impact on the business.

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