Strategic Consulting

Boost Your Business Growth with FireRock Marketing

small business website design

Marketing is more challenging than ever.

We are real people, with real experience working on really tough challenges. We use our decades of experience to help small and midsized businesses navigate modern marketing without spending a fortune.

Your customer is in charge!

Traditional selling doesn't work anymore because the consumer has all the info, choice, leverage and options available to them.

Speaking of getting suckered…

Marketing ‘consultants’ are everywhere, over promising and under delivering. We are the anti-thesis of these fly-by-night hustlers. We combine effective marketing strategies and tactics into practical, proven marketing systems that attracts your ideal customer.

Speed and scale matter.

Your customer, your competition and marketing technologies are moving fast. Just keeping up is enough of a challenge. How can you break through?

Marketing channels have exploded.

Remember when an ad in the yellow pages was enough to build awareness? Those days are long gone. The modern marketing mix has proliferated to the point where it is easy to get lost – or worse – suckered into spending money on vapor

Let us put our decades of marketing experience to work for you

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Our programs include:

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