Category: Social Media Marketing

social media reputation management

Social Media Reputation Management: What You Need to Know

Did you know that 45% of people say they’re likely to check Yelp before patronizing a business for the first time? Yelp is just one of the many social media websites that feature customer interactions and reviews—others include Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. But knowing that a huge chunk of potential customers are checking out your

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Content Marketing Trends, Content Marketing, SEO Marketing, Influencer Marketing

3 Content Marketing Trends that will continue to shape SEO in 2018

Content Marketing Trends come and go but these 3 areas are gaining momentum. With the expertise that you have in Marketing, content marketing is by no means a stranger. The universal, known fact is how important content marketing is to your specific niche. The hard part about Content Marketing Trends is that trends are always changing

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social media, social media marketing, online marketing, digital marketing, reputation management

9 Tips for an Effective Social Media Strategy

Perhaps the most important component of any social media marketing campaign is the strategy that helps to set it in motion. Without a solid plan, you’ll just be spinning your wheels waiting for things to happen. Here are 9 tips for creating an effective social media strategy. 1. Define Your Audience Before you tweet or

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