What is Link building:
Link Building refers to getting more influential blogs or personalities to use a link in their content which refers to a webpage on your website. The most important thing to keep in mind while link building for your roofing website is to get quality roofing blogs to link back to you. You don’t want to create tons of spammy links but just a handful of quality roofing links.
Why Is Link Building Important:
Once you’ve got a good roofing website up and running with quality roofing content, it’s time to send traffic to it and increase your roofing web page’s authority and relevance for ranking your roofing website high on google.
For this purpose, you have to start building links to your roofing website. Once big roofing websites start linking back to your roofing webpages, this increases your authority and relevance in Google’s virtual eyes, and it pushes you up on google’s SERPs. Link building is the equivalent of networking in real life.
For instance, in real life, if you get a big business owner of your niche to give you a testimonial or quote a line from your book, your trust level in others’ eyes increases, and everyone suddenly starts noticing you. The same is the case online. If your niche’s big blogs or personalities, use some content from your website and link back to you. Google and the audience of that big blog will start to trust you and want to read more of what you have to offer.
How to do Link-Building for roofing website:
Building links to your roofing website naturally should be your goal rather than buying roofing links. A great tip to do this is to link to roofing influencers and roofing blogs with a huge readership. This way, roofing webmasters will notice you, and once they visit your roofing blog and find some valuable extract, they might be generous enough to include in one of their blogs and link it back to you. If they see that you have a big network of people linking back to your roofing website, They might be interested in doing a guest post on your roofing blog.
Use tools to find influencers for link building:
Other useful ways in which you can do build links to your roofing website is by :
Using tools like Buzzsumo, follower wonk, and Traackr to find influential roofing bloggers in your niche and then do outreach, meaning building a relationship with them by engaging with their roofing content.
This way, once you show them your content, they’ll be more likely to respond to it and share it on their platform
rather than a blunt, “Hello _____, I just met you and this is crazy, here is my blog, share it maybe?”
Join the conversation:

A lot of people are out there who are searching for your advice or your words, but they just can’t find it because you don’t have a good ranking of your roofing website yet, and the ones who do have a good ranking are not doing an excellent job answering their questions. So they post their questions on forums like Quora and Reddit. For this reason, you must join their conversations, answer their queries and link your answers back to your blog.
Comment on blog or social media posts:

Don’t just comment a link to your blog. Please understand that the person whose social media post you’re commenting on is the main showman, don’t rain on his parade and start doing your concert in his concert. That isn’t very respectful!
First, write your own opinion and a few appreciative words, following which you can include your blog link.
Ask for permission from big influential bloggers to post their content on your site:

Everyone likes to be noticed when you include some big blogger’s content and ask permission. They’ll view you as a courteous person and may one day soon return the favor by mentioning you in their reputable blog. Remember, roofing SEO is a long-term game.
Reach out to bloggers to ask for their feedback on your blog:
This is not recommended until you do some major outreach, and the roofing blogger doesn’t just view you as another spammer but as a genuine person who must’ve written something worth reading.
Leverage email marketing:
Use the most unique and compelling passages from your blog and send them to influential and famous roofing bloggers through email. In these emails, try to point out your content will fit perfectly in their blog and why it is a good fit.
While these are all effective techniques for link building , the best technique is quality content production. When you write roofing content that benefits people and contains infographics, quotes, figures, and pictures that are not available elsewhere, people will share your content on social media or in their blog.
Other Important parts of roofing SEO you should definitely read, include: Roofing Keywords research, ON-page SEO optimization of your roofing website, SEO copywriting for your roofing website and increasing your roofing website’s page loading speed.