What is roofing SEO, and How it helps your roofing company get more exposure?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
It is a detailed and lengthy process that involves ranking your web pages to the top of SERP’s to increase web traffic and conversions on the website. If you’re a roofing company that wants to gain more brand exposure and leads, then roofing SEO will do wonders for you. Here we show you the 6 Steps to do SEO for a roofing company:
Keyword Research and Analysis:
The first step in roofing company SEO is doing Roofing keywords research and analysis. This step helps you find the right roofing keywords to target. All your content is based on this research, so you must give it proper time and attention. This research revolves around finding the search terms which your targeted prospects are searching for and then organizing and sorting them out to drive a content strategy.
During the roofing keywords research process, you list roofing keywords that you think your content should rank against. You list down the monthly search volumes and the difficulty of those keywords. After making this list, you decide which long-tail keywords you can rank against in the short run and which keywords are your long-term goal. Generally, shorter or generic keywords with more search volume will have a high difficulty, and specific or long-tail keywords with low traffic will have low search difficulty.
Read more about Roofing keywords research and analysis by clicking here.
On site Coding and Implementation:

If you thought, you could rank your roofing website without ever looking at any line of code, you were dead wrong.
ON-page SEO of roofing company websites also involves optimizing your source code.
Source code is what you use to make browsers understand how to display your webpage. Google and search engines read it to figure out what your roofing website is about.
Here are the lines of code you must pay special attention to and optimize with your primary and secondary keywords:
Title tag (<title> </title>), Meta Description tag (<meta> </meta), Heading tag (<h1> </h1>), Anchor tags and Href attribute ( <a href=""> </a>), Image alt tags(<img src="" alt="" > </img>)
Read more about These different lines of source code by clicking here.
SEO Copywriting:
Another important aspect of roofing SEO is SEO copywriting.
It doesn’t matter how effectively you’ve done keyword research for your roofing website and how neatly you’ve inserted the keywords in the source code of your website, If your content isn’t easily readable, it won’t rank.
The reason is authority and relevance. Google will calculate relevance based on how many people do social sharing of your blog and the amount of time they spend reading your blog. Google will calculate authority based on how many authoritative niche-specific websites link back to your roofing content.
For winning in terms of authority and relevance, the best approach is to write easily readable, highly engaging roofing content, which is interesting to read. An SEO copywriter can only write this type of content since a roofing SEO copywriter not only knows his audience as if they were his roommates. A Seo copywriter knows the phrases, including relevant keywords, which the audience will strongly respond to.
Read about the main factors involved in SEO Copywriting from here.
Page Speed
Defining Page Speed:
In roofing SEO, Roofing website page speed is exactly what it sounds like; the amount of time it takes for your roofing webpage to load. Page speed is often measured in one of two ways:
- Page load time: The time taken by your roofing webpage to fully display all of its contents on screen.
- Time to first byte: The amount of time taken by your browser to obtain its first byte from the webserver.
Measuring Page Speed:
To get an idea of how well your site is doing in terms of page speed, Google’s PageSpeed Insights is an excellent source to use for assessment. The site takes information from CrUX (Chrome User Experience Report) and then passes it on to two-speed metrics: FContentful Paint (FCP) followed by DOMContentLoaded (DCL).
Differentiating Site and Page Speed:
You may have noticed that people often mention site speed alongside page speed and may interchangeably use the two terms. So, what is the difference?
Although they sound similar, site speed is not to be confused with page speed. The former is a measure of how quickly users can view content on screen.
Improving Page Speed:
Just like all other aspects of roofing SEO, Roofing website page speed is simply another important feature to ensure that your roofing content is another step closer to optimization.
According to roofing SEO experts, Google actually uses site speed in its algorithm to rank your roofing website. Moreover, a slow page speed means that search engines will crawl fewer roofing webpages within their allocated budget therefore adversely affecting your indexation.
Furthermore, page speed makes for a better user experience. Roofing Websites and Roofing pages that take a longer time to load have high bounce rates. Similarly, these roofing website pages have been recorded to have a low average time that users stay on them.
Because of the significance of page speed in SEO, it is important for you to ensure that your page is on the right track. Here are 8 easy ways to increase your Roofing website page speed.
Link Building:
What is Link building:
Link Building refers to getting more influential blogs or personalities to use a link in their content which refers to a webpage on your website. The most important thing to keep in mind while link building for your roofing website is to get quality roofing blogs to link back to you. You don’t want to create tons of spammy links but just a handful of quality roofing links.
Why Is Link Building Important:
Once you’ve got a good roofing website up and running with quality roofing content, it’s time to send traffic to it. Sending relevant traffic will increase your roofing web page’s authority and relevance for ranking your roofing website high on google.
For this purpose, you have to start building links to your roofing website. Once big roofing websites start linking back to your roofing webpages, this increases your authority and relevance in Google’s virtual eyes, and it pushes you up on google’s SERPs. Link building is the equivalent of networking in real life.
For instance, in real life, if you get a big business owner of your niche to give you a testimonial or quote a line from your book, your trust level in others’ eyes increases, and everyone suddenly starts noticing you. The same is the case online. If your niche’s big blogs or personalities, use some content from your website and link back to you. Google and the audience of that big blog will start to trust you and want to read more of what you have to offer.
Read about how to do link building from here.
SEO analysis, tracking and reporting:
Its important to track roofing SEO efforts.
You want to constantly know which efforts yield you more benefits and which ones yield you little benefit. This information is important because you need to focus more on efforts bringing you good conversions and leave the efforts which are not working. It’s about optimizing your roofing SEO processes.
To find out whether your overall strategy to rank your roofing website is working or not. Don’t just track the keywords ranking from the Google search console; instead, track the overall organic traffic you’re getting.
For more in-depth learning of roofing SEO analysis, click here.